\def\hs{\hspace{0.4 cm}} \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Warsaw} \usecolortheme{crane} \setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number] \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty \title{Mimblewimble and Scriptless Scripts} \author{Andrew Poelstra} \institute{\texttt{grindelwald@wpsoftware.net}} \date{January 10, 2018} \usepackage{amsfonts,amsmath,latexsym,color,epsfig,graphicx,multirow,rotating} \begin{document} \frame{ \maketitle } \frame { \frametitle{What is a Blockchain?} \begin{itemize} \item For our purposes, a \emph{blockchain} is a Merkleized linked list of commitments, called \emph{blocks}, along with rules restricting the committed data.\\~\\ \item (Also, critical but irrelevant magic, there is global consensus on what this list is.)\\~\\ \item In Bitcoin the blocks are Merkle trees of transactions, each of which may not conflict with any other across the entire chain. \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{What is Mimblewimble?} \begin{itemize} \item Anyone can download the blockchain, validate all the committed data, and determine the current system state, the \emph{unspent transaction output set (utxoset)}.\\~\\ \item Basically every cryptocurrency uses this model, up to structure and naming of the system state.\\~\\ \item Mimblewimble, proposed in August 2016 by Tom Elvis Jedusor, is an alternate design where transaction data eventually becomes irrelevant and can be dropped, even for new validators. \end{itemize} } \frame { \frametitle{Talk Outline} \begin{enumerate} \item How are Mimblewimble transactions structured to enable this redundancy?\\~\\ Hint: they are restricted to be very simple.\\~\\~\\ \item How, despite these restrictions, can we still execute trustless multiparty cryptosystems (``smart contracts'')? \end{enumerate} } \frame { \frametitle{Confidential Transactions and Pedersen Commitments} \begin{itemize} \item Given a dollar value $v\in\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$, choose uniformly random $r\in\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ and compute \[ C = vH + rG \] where $H$, $G\in\mathcal{G}\simeq\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$ are generators of a DL-hard group.\\~\\ \item Attach a \emph{rangeproof} that $v<} \end{center} } \end{document}