--- Log opened Mon Aug 12 00:00:35 2013 11:39 < jgarzik> There needs to be a mechanical-turk-like API that will send a human out to buy me X product or service with fiat currency. 11:39 < jgarzik> StorJ-like systems want such. 11:40 < gmaxwell> that exists here. 11:42 < gmaxwell> uh. I forget what its called. it's not quite as normalized as mechnical turk. but you can load a url and make people go do things. My SO has used it some, and she's on a plane now, so I'm currently down whatever mental space I've outsourced entirely to her. 11:42 < jgarzik> interesting 11:47 < gmaxwell> yea, this business is going to fail though because I can't figure out how to find it even knowing that it exists! 11:52 < gmaxwell> https://www.taskrabbit.com/ 11:52 < gmaxwell> fuck it took me 12 minutes to find it. 11:53 < petertodd> gmaxwell: I use taskrabbittaskrabbit myself to figure out WTF taskrabbit's URL is 11:53 < gmaxwell> yea, I suppose I could have used mechnical turk to find taskrabbit. 11:54 < petertodd> lol, but mechanical turk is a pain to use, what you need is some kind of mechanicala turk to hire a dev to create your mechanical turk job... 11:55 < gmaxwell> yea, MT is kinda useless for one shot jobs. 11:55 < gmaxwell> I wish there was a good bitcoin replacement for it, for both bulk and one shot jobs. 11:55 < petertodd> I thought someone di launch a bitcoin replacement? whatever happened to it? coinworker I think it was called? 11:56 < gmaxwell> well what coinworker is is a front end on a MT alternative that lets you work and get paid BC. 11:56 < gmaxwell> I don't believe anyone had done the other side of that. 11:56 < gmaxwell> where you pay for work with BC. 11:57 < petertodd> right, so the coinworker api is basically still sucky 14:36 < gmaxwell> Research Talk: Philippa Gardner 14:36 < gmaxwell> Where: Ten Forward and streaming / recorded on Air Mozilla 14:36 < gmaxwell> When: Wednesday August / 14, 10 AM PST 14:36 < gmaxwell> Title: A Trusted Mechanised Specification of the JavaScript Standard 14:36 < gmaxwell> Abstract: 14:36 < gmaxwell> JavaScript is by far the most widely used web language for client-side applications. Whilst the development of JavaScript was initially led by implementations, there is now increasing momentum behind the ECMA standardisation process. The time is ripe for a formal, mechanised 14:37 < gmaxwell> specification of the language, to serve as a trusted basis for high-assurance proofs of language properties, the compilation of high-level languages, and JavaScript implementations. 14:37 < gmaxwell> We have demonstrated that modern techniques of mechanised specification can handle the complexity of JavaScript. We present JSCert, a mechansised specification of ECMAScript 5 in the Coq proof assistant, and JSRef, a reference interpreter for JavaScript extracted from Coq to OCaml. We establish trust in several ways: JSCert is designed to be `eyeball close' to ECMAScript 5; JSRef is provably correct with respect to JSCert; and JSRef is te 14:38 < gmaxwell> that should be interesting. I think this is only the second provable language implementation. 16:29 < amiller> i like the way that abstract is written 16:30 < amiller> i like that the specification itself is given a name (JSCert) and it's claim is that it's human-inspectable to match a natural-language specification 16:31 < gmaxwell> they're also clear that JScert is not exactly the same as the specification (what would that even mean?) 16:31 < amiller> maybe the spec can be used to illustrate the reasoning for js-wats like {}+[] --- Log closed Tue Aug 13 00:00:41 2013