--- Log opened Sat Aug 31 00:00:58 2013 --- Log closed Sat Aug 31 03:03:05 2013 --- Log opened Sat Aug 31 03:03:22 2013 --- Log closed Sat Aug 31 03:07:52 2013 --- Log opened Sat Aug 31 03:08:29 2013 13:01 < amiller> gmaxwell, the single stage guy-fawkes thing is neat 13:01 < amiller> it seems like it would be computationally expensive to do the signing, 65536x2 hashes to evaluate? 23:29 < jorash> What happens when someone breaks SHA-2 and all the coins are mined in a day? 23:34 < Luke-Jr> jorash: it won't happen. 23:36 < jorash> Did your wizardly crystal ball tell you that? 23:36 < jorash> So you think it will take until 2140 until all 21m btc are in circulation? 23:36 < Luke-Jr> I didn't say that. 23:36 < jorash> well hardness will just kepe going up 23:37 < jorash> so decades at least, if we don't crack the problem from a computational complexity vantage point 23:37 < jorash> so what if the hardware gets better... hardness catches up 23:40 < jorash> so yea... long winded way of saying I'm working with a handful of quantum information scientists on a means of running Grover's algorhtm (and thus weakening SHA2) 23:41 < jorash> scam alert! 23:41 < Luke-Jr> weakening SHA-2 won't get you all the coins 23:41 < jorash> that's true 23:41 < Luke-Jr> even if you perfected quantum mining, you'd be slowed to a block every 10 mins 23:41 < jorash> if you can pull off Grover's you get a sqrt speedup, and hardness would catch up around the 100,000-300,000 btc mark 23:41 < jorash> (after mining that much) 23:42 < jorash> however, if you pull off constant time (gross-pitaevskii search http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.0371 ) then you get all the coin 23:43 < jorash> the first is the open question of P vs BQP --- ie. can universal quantum system be simulated efficiently by Turing machines. We answer teh question yes 23:43 < jorash> the second is teh question of whether linear quantum systems can efficeintly simulate nonlinear quantum systems.. We have the answer probably, but not sure. 23:46 < jorash> Latest outside analysis of our approach, from lead of the Quantum Information Science Group, MITRE CORP, Princeton: "I follow the logic of your claim but am not familiar enough with the papers you reference to properly say whether or not I agree. However, I do understand your interest in applying QEC only once and I think that my work has something to contribute in that respect. " 23:47 < jorash> QEC = Quantum error correction --- Log closed Sun Sep 01 00:00:57 2013