00:36:29 | contrapumpkin: | contrapumpkin is now known as copumpkin |
01:19:17 | contrapumpkin: | contrapumpkin is now known as copumpkin |
01:23:49 | contrapumpkin: | contrapumpkin is now known as copumpkin |
01:45:42 | contrapumpkin: | contrapumpkin is now known as copumpkin |
08:05:14 | rajaniemi.freenode.net: | topic is: This channel is not about short-term Bitcoin development | http://bitcoin.ninja/ | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit http://bitcoin.ninja |
08:05:14 | rajaniemi.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: andy-logbot Guyver2 lclc CoinHeavy eps Dr-G RoboTeddy TrollsRoyce dgenr9 davidlatapie go1111111 jchp TheSeven SDCDev altoz Starduster_ kmels HaltingState wiretapped [d__d] Ursium Sangheili fanquake super3 wizkid057 pen koshii dgenr8 justanotheruser atgreen BigBitz melvster samson_ maaku BrainOverfl0w tjopper napedia nuke1989 Grishnakh Graet EasyAt mkarrer ryan-c kinlo jcorgan pigeons forrestv starsoccer [\\\] Fistful_of_Coins Guest10516 |
08:05:14 | rajaniemi.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: prepost pajarillo andytoshi Graftec michagogo polyclef mappum irc88___ Alanius OneFixt drawingthesun mikalv zling__ jbenet bobke_ Iriez waxwing gmaxwell LaptopZZ_ tromp_ Emcy grubles jaekwon LarsLarsen nsh justusranvier Hunger- HM berndj-blackout Transisto spinza digitalmagus zenojis Ken` nanotube Keefe SomeoneWeird espes___ quackgyver_ mr_burdell Eliel nkuttler so DoctorBTC CodeShark Gnosis phedny wumpus Krellan Guest54659 Pan0ram1x Luke-Jr |
08:05:14 | rajaniemi.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: CryptOprah [Derek] iddo Dyaheon- a5m0 pi07r roasbeef nickler Muis artifexd Anduck gribble TD-Linux jgarzik phantomcircuit abc56889 optimator UukGoblin otoburb midnightmagic mmozeiko harrow weex Adohgg amiller rs0 @sipa Logicwax catcow petertodd throughnothing gwillen sl01 dansmith_btc warren asoltys zibbo_ BlueMatt lianj crescendo kanzure lechuga_ cfields smooth bbrittain Apocalyptic comboy helo K1773R jaromil @ChanServ mhanne tromp__ danneu |
08:05:14 | rajaniemi.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: burcin aynstein poggy |
15:16:31 | fanquake: | fanquake has left #bitcoin-wizards |
19:18:49 | asimov.freenode.net: | topic is: This channel is not about short-term Bitcoin development | http://bitcoin.ninja/ | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit http://bitcoin.ninja |
19:18:49 | asimov.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: andy-logbot HaltingState eslbaer grubles DougieBot5000 Ursium andytoshi _ingsoc Burrito davispuh hearn rdponticelli llllllllll pen torsthaldo MoALTz throughnothing mortale vfor Quanttek AaronvanW TheSeven RoboTedd_ Guyver2 eps Dr-G TrollsRoyce dgenr9 davidlatapie go1111111 jchp SDCDev Starduster_ wiretapped [d__d] Sangheili super3 wizkid057 koshii dgenr8 justanotheruser BigBitz melvster samson_ maaku BrainOverfl0w tjopper napedia nuke1989 |
19:18:49 | asimov.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: Grishnakh Graet EasyAt mkarrer ryan-c kinlo jcorgan pigeons forrestv starsoccer [\\\] Fistful_of_Coins Guest10516 prepost pajarillo michagogo polyclef mappum irc88___ Alanius OneFixt drawingthesun mikalv zling__ jbenet bobke Iriez waxwing gmaxwell LaptopZZ_ tromp_ Emcy jaekwon LarsLarsen nsh justusranvier Hunger- HM berndj-blackout Transisto spinza digitalmagus zenojis Ken` aynstein burcin danneu tromp__ mhanne @ChanServ poggy jaromil K1773R |
19:18:49 | asimov.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: helo comboy Apocalyptic bbrittain smooth cfields lechuga_ kanzure crescendo lianj BlueMatt zibbo_ asoltys warren dansmith_btc sl01 gwillen petertodd catcow Logicwax @sipa rs0 amiller Adohgg weex harrow mmozeiko midnightmagic otoburb UukGoblin optimator abc56889 phantomcircuit jgarzik TD-Linux gribble Anduck artifexd Muis nickler roasbeef pi07r a5m0 Dyaheon- iddo [Derek] CryptOprah Luke-Jr Pan0ram1x Guest54659 Krellan wumpus phedny Gnosis |
19:18:49 | asimov.freenode.net: | Users on #bitcoin-wizards: CodeShark DoctorBTC so nkuttler Eliel mr_burdell quackgyver_ espes___ SomeoneWeird Keefe nanotube |
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19:36:07 | Guyver2: | Guyver2 has left #bitcoin-wizards |
19:45:54 | hearn: | http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/629.pdf |
19:59:54 | hearn: | it's 2-party ECDSA that's compatible with secp256k1 + prototype |
19:59:57 | hearn: | albeit apparently not open source |
20:01:13 | nsh: | do open-source implementations exist? |
20:01:31 | nsh: | seems like something that should exist already, but i'm often wrong about things like that |
20:08:50 | hearn: | nsh: no seems like new research that was done just for this |
20:08:51 | andytoshi: | nsh: existing protocols for 2-party ECDSA use homomorphic encryption on the keys, and it's gross |
20:09:06 | hearn: | yes that's what this does, i think |
20:09:39 | nsh: | hmm |
20:10:21 | andytoshi: | ah, it looks like this paper is mostly at a higher level than crypto primitives |
20:10:39 | andytoshi: | and the 2p ECDSA stuff is existing work (?) but i'm just going by the abstract.. |
20:11:16 | hearn: | i think it was proposed before |
20:11:19 | hearn: | but they implemented it |
20:13:46 | andytoshi: | awesome, all the best to them in getting this stuff out there .. it'd be great if 2of2 txes looked like normal ones |
20:13:50 | andytoshi: | especially for coinswap |
20:22:24 | hearn_: | hearn_ is now known as hearn |