00:40:02fanquake1:fanquake1 has left #bitcoin-wizards
00:51:27jinglan:jinglan has left #bitcoin-wizards
15:54:50hitchcock.freenode.net:topic is: This channel is not about short-term Bitcoin development | http://bitcoin.ninja/ | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit http://bitcoin.ninja
15:54:50hitchcock.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: andy-logbot arubi arubi_ SDCDev antgreen jmaurice leakypat Quanttek hearn helo damethos StephenM347 richardus nubbins` Iriez Guyver2 HostFat dEBRUYNE LeMiner cdecker NewLiberty contrapumpkin rubensayshi CoinMuncher Cornholi0 jtimon amiller_ Mably bedeho hktud0 b_lumenkraft Guest96151 priidu devrandom sipa face justanotheruser unlord [7] Dr-G bosma Cory Kwelstr Transisto adlai spinza hulkhogan42o nsh crowleyman mengine nuke_ koshii xapp GAit
15:54:50hitchcock.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: waxwing Relos MoALTz forrestv Krellan cfields_ wumpus mappum btc___ jbenet NeatBasisW dasource btcdrak airbreather SubCreative Starduster CodeShark PRab dardasaba yorick x98gvyn jgarzik aakselrod Pan0ram1x c0rw1n ebfull mkarrer_ Tiraspol cluckj tjader cornusammonis luigi1111w melvster binaryatrocity_ sadoshi bliljerk101 grandmaster jonasschnelli Emcy merlincorey gielbier maaku [ace] eric a5m0 nephyrin null_radix crescendo Sqt Madars
15:54:50hitchcock.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: mikolalysenko sturles prodatalab adams_ GreenIsMyPepper harrow vonzipper berndj Zouppen Xzibit17 manan19 comboy sneak realcr gmaxwell jaromil catlasshrugged_ Apocalyptic harrigan cryptowest_ runeks__ kanzure kefkius throughnothing Graet Eliel veox indolering K1773R Keefe petertodd jcorgan larraboj ryan-c jessepollak gribble tromp mr_burdell gnusha tromp_ d9b4bef9 starsoccer dgenr8 weex SwedFTP Hunger- lmacken dc17523be3 HM Luke-Jr luny
15:54:50hitchcock.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: yrashk artifexd kumavis platinuum otoburb huseby midnightmagic BlueMatt warren TD-Linux mariorz hguux___ fenn wizkid057 ajweiss Anduck iddo poggy kyuupichan Logicwax phantomcircuit EasyAt lechuga_ luigi1111 isis nanotube yoleaux gavinandresen dignork AdrianG s1w livegnik optimator fluffypony Meeh cursive dansmith_btc morcos guruvan BananaLotus heath roasbeef_ Fistful_of_Coins stonecoldpat afdudley espes__ pigeons warptangent phedny so STRML
15:54:50hitchcock.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: michagogo null sl01 lnovy [d__d] catcow Muis coryfields_ kinlo gwillen nickler Alanius sdaftuar epscy Taek Oizopower CryptOprah BrainOverfl0w MRL-Relay azariah @ChanServ brand0 davout
16:01:21andytoshi:hi channel
16:01:47gmaxwell:hi andytoshi
16:08:07busterfriendly_:busterfriendly_ is now known as busterfriendly
16:11:02andytoshi:rust update: rust-secp256k1 now has 100% unit test coverage, rust-bitcoin is still a mess. but good progress this week :)
16:16:25gmaxwell:andytoshi: fun timing, I was just looking up to see what you were doing there. What does 100% unit test coverage mean?
16:38:03jtimon:that all the code is at least executed once when running the unittest?
17:24:13binaryatrocity_:binaryatrocity_ is now known as binaryatrocity
17:46:30antgreen:Hey - I was just reading the logs and was happy to see moxie being discussed yesterday. It's been quiet, but it sounds like people are still hacking with it? Or planning to?
17:49:06stonecoldpat:gmaxwell: sorry had to dash earlier, thought i was late for dog-groom appointment but appears its tomorrow... anyway you the relay you mention should not work IIRC, when you verify a signature (r,s) - you end up with r = kG, so without knowledge of k you wouldn't be able to produce a valid s that will match someone else's r to do a relay
17:50:22stonecoldpat:sorry kG = (x,y) then you heck if x = r from (r,s). its the last step of the verification protocol
18:07:28stonecoldpat:my typing was terrible lemme fix it, anyway the relay attack you mention should not work IIRC, when you verify a signature (r,s), the final step of the verification is to check kG = (x,y), x = r from (r,s). The kG is produced from the 's' component of the (r,s). So an adversary would not be able to produce a valid signature (r,s) to pull off the attack without knowing k or d.*****
18:10:56gmaxwell:stonecoldpat: thats not correct.
18:11:30gmaxwell:stonecoldpat: go explain http://www.blockstream.com/half-a-puzzle/ to yourself.
18:13:51kanzure:"Prototype: stochastic cooperation in the One-Shot Prisoner's Dilemma in probabilistic programming" https://gist.github.com/kanzure/6950227cae0e0615f373 (not my work)
19:12:33belcher_:belcher_ is now known as belcher
19:18:30andytoshi:gmaxwell: i run the unit test binary (produced by `cargo test`) through kcov; it says all but one instrumented line is covered (and that line is a `}` so i guess this is a bug)
19:19:07andytoshi:gmaxwell: there are some LOC that are not instrumented, i think the tool is not counting it, so this is not totally accurate ... but i think i've hit every error path
19:57:43rajaniemi.freenode.net:topic is: This channel is not about short-term Bitcoin development | http://bitcoin.ninja/ | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit http://bitcoin.ninja
19:57:43rajaniemi.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: andy-logbot jps apoelstra Burrito priidu Crowley2k jhogan42 DougieBot5000 belcher zooko ajweiss zmachine DrGrid orik nessence devrandom Mably damethos tcrypt paveljanik LeMiner c-cex-yuriy prodatalab skullum arubi d1ggy busterfriendly nivah ryanxcharles SDCDev jmaurice leakypat Quanttek helo StephenM347 richardus Iriez Guyver2 HostFat dEBRUYNE cdecker contrapumpkin Cornholi0 jtimon amiller_ bedeho hktud0 b_lumenkraft Guest96151 sipa face
19:57:43rajaniemi.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: justanotheruser unlord [7] Dr-G bosma Cory Kwelstr Transisto adlai spinza hulkhogan42o nsh crowleyman mengine nuke_ koshii xapp GAit waxwing Relos MoALTz forrestv Krellan cfields_ wumpus mappum btc___ jbenet NeatBasisW dasource btcdrak airbreather SubCreative Starduster CodeShark PRab dardasaba yorick jgarzik aakselrod Pan0ram1x c0rw1n ebfull mkarrer_ Tiraspol cluckj tjader cornusammonis luigi1111w melvster binaryatrocity sadoshi bliljerk101
19:57:43rajaniemi.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: grandmaster jonasschnelli Emcy merlincorey gielbier maaku [ace] eric a5m0 nephyrin null_radix crescendo Sqt Madars mikolalysenko sturles adams_ GreenIsMyPepper harrow vonzipper berndj Zouppen Xzibit17 manan19 comboy sneak realcr gmaxwell jaromil catlasshrugged_ Apocalyptic harrigan cryptowest_ runeks__ kanzure kefkius throughnothing Graet Eliel veox indolering K1773R Keefe petertodd jcorgan larraboj ryan-c jessepollak gribble tromp
19:57:43rajaniemi.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: mr_burdell gnusha tromp_ d9b4bef9 starsoccer dgenr8 BrainOverfl0w MRL-Relay azariah @ChanServ brand0 davout CryptOprah Oizopower Taek epscy sdaftuar Alanius nickler gwillen kinlo coryfields_ Muis catcow [d__d] lnovy sl01 null michagogo STRML so phedny warptangent pigeons espes__ afdudley stonecoldpat Fistful_of_Coins roasbeef_ heath BananaLotus guruvan morcos dansmith_btc cursive Meeh fluffypony optimator livegnik s1w AdrianG dignork
19:57:43rajaniemi.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: gavinandresen yoleaux nanotube isis luigi1111 lechuga_ EasyAt phantomcircuit Logicwax kyuupichan poggy iddo Anduck wizkid057 fenn hguux___ mariorz TD-Linux warren BlueMatt midnightmagic huseby otoburb platinuum kumavis artifexd yrashk luny Luke-Jr HM dc17523be3 lmacken Hunger- SwedFTP weex
20:50:33stonecoldpat:gmaxwell: got the sigs to verify (after some time) but ill need some sleep so ill chat to you tomorrow if i make progress on those puzzles
21:03:47belcher:belcher is now known as beIcher
21:04:05beIcher:beIcher is now known as be|cher
21:04:12be|cher:be|cher is now known as belcher`
21:04:43belcher`:belcher` is now known as belcher-
21:04:56belcher-:belcher- is now known as bellcher
21:05:03bellcher:bellcher is now known as `belcher
21:06:46`belcher:`belcher is now known as belcher
21:21:06gwillen:belcher: registering potential nicksquats?
21:21:30belcher:yep, a scammer was pming people apparently
21:23:25helo:* helo makes a list of the benign permutations
21:31:20belcher:is that iota ?
21:31:24arubi:yea :)
21:31:43belcher:more likely i need cyrillic
21:32:10arubi:nicks are probably in ansi\ascii ?
21:32:24arubi:but for forums.. yea
21:34:28arubi:well, this is why we have pki
21:36:39wallet421:wallet421 is now known as wallet42
21:39:39kanzure_:kanzure_ is now known as kanzure