01:17:40amiller:hi GGuyZ
01:19:36amiller:GGuyZ, your connection seems super unstable! you should try an irc bouncer like znc
01:20:09GGuyZ:Unfortunately it's my wifi that's going crazy. I'll leave the channel for a bit to prevent spamming :).
01:20:17GGuyZ:GGuyZ has left #bitcoin-wizards
04:03:31s1w-:s1w- is now known as s1w
04:04:13s1w:s1w is now known as Guest54249
04:04:49Guest54249:Guest54249 is now known as s1w
08:05:17morgan.freenode.net:topic is: This channel is is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | http://bitcoin.ninja/ | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit http://bitcoin.ninja
08:05:17morgan.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: andy-logbot gielbier wallet42 frankenm_ toffoo Quanttek chmod755 drwin priidu ttttemp ThomasV justanotheruser spinza arubi_ LeMiner alawson d1ggy p15x SubCreative melvster1 harrow mjerr Starduster c0rw|zZz_ superobserver rhett TheSeven jgarzik maraoz dc17523be3 GreenIsMyPepper Dr-G contrapumpkin Emcy prodatalab__ lnovy shaul moa Tebbo` mengine jmcn fkhan badmofo sparetire_ CodeShark akrmn1 ruby32 runeks huseby Madars Hunger- phantomcircuit
08:05:17morgan.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: artifexd theymos s1w mariorz wizkid057 sturles azariah Jaamg_ kumavis CryptoGoon platinuum yrashk dasource btcdrak roybadam1 goregrin1 hashtag_ stonecoldpat1 Tiraspol yorick rustyn_ M-_mis MatrixBridge mountaingoat Logicwax airbreather espes__ EasyAt warptangent helo [d__d] petertodd guruvan humd1ng3r otoburb ebfull CodeArtix MoALTz__ tromp_ PaulCapestany Guest27737 Alanius cdecker SDCDev MrTratta berndj gregeh bedeho mkarrer Luke-Jr Taek
08:05:17morgan.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: gribble Tenhi HM isis qawap BigBitz Iriez sundance leakypat wiz binaryatrocity OneFixt sneak gmaxwell amiller thrasher` SwedFTP bosma nsh AlexStraunoff Graet veox UllrSkis K1773R sparetire luny devrandom sdaftuar narwh4l adam3us waxwing MRL-Relay epscy dgenr8 pollux-bts forrestv gnusha Cory tucenaber bliljerk101 elastoma ThinThread jonasschnelli null_radix catcow adams__ rasengan cfields kanzure TD-Linux richardus sl01 michagogo kinlo nephyrin`
08:05:17morgan.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: Krellan vonzipper larraboj_ coryfields_ optimator stevenroose BlueMatt eric afdudley ryan-c crescendo prosodyContext mappum nickler_ jbenet kyuupichan livegnik pigeons davout Fistful_of_Coins mikolalysenko fluffypony BananaLotus scoria andytoshi STRML jouke jaromil fenn nanotube mr_burdell indolering BrainOverfl0w [ace] catlasshrugged throughnothing poggy dignork yoleaux gavinandresen Anduck grubles heath roasbeef ggreer starsoccer Muis
08:05:17morgan.freenode.net:Users on #bitcoin-wizards: Xzibit17 comboy wumpus a5m0 jessepollak dansmith_ midnightmagic merlincorey warren jrayhawk Meeh_ mm_1 jcorgan bsm117532 gwillen lclc ajweiss so Apocalyptic iddo smooth weex harrigan brand0 Eliel AdrianG @ChanServ morcos xabbix
13:07:47c0rw|zZz_:c0rw|zZz_ is now known as c0rw|timetravel
13:15:29c0rw|timetravel:c0rw|timetravel is now known as c0rw1n
13:52:59waxwing:is this right? the N for secp256k1 is smaller than but close to the value of p. But there are 2 points for each x-value, so that means that about half of the x-values in 0..N have EC points associated with them.
15:38:57c0rw1n:c0rw1n is now known as c0rw|away
16:50:49Starduster_:Starduster_ is now known as Starduster
16:55:17gmaxwell:waxwing: thats right.